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Migration Management Bureau
The Migration Management Bureau (MMB) is a merger of two units namely, the Migration
Information Bureau (MIB) and the Refugee desk. The section is basically set-up to deal with
refugee issues and emerging matters relating to Irregular migration which includes Human
smuggling and Trafficking in Persons. The MIB for instance, undertakes a lot of preventive
activities like public awareness and information campaigns. The main goal is to focus on the
potential Ghanaian migrants with the requisite information they require to enable them
migrate safely and humanely as well as, in a more dignified manner Often times, some
Ghanaian migrants fall prey to some unscrupulous elements in the Smuggling and Traffickingring unknowingly. This trend exposes the potential migrants to a lot of danger and risk and
can also affect their families
There is also a model satellite centre known as the Migration Information Centre (MIC) in
Sunyani in the Brong Ahafo region funded by the European Union under the Ghana
Integrated Migration Management Approach (GIMMA) Project, to undertake similar
activities like the MIB does. It is strategically located to cater for the needs of the people
found around Sunyani and its environs, which is a well-known migration prone area and also
have an oversight responsibilities of the Northern part of the country in terms of public
awareness and sensitization for safe migration.
These two units in separate regions has a lot in common and also does a lot of collaborative
programmes and assignments with other units/sections and other institutions pursing similar

programs in the various Refugee Camps in the country to educate refugees on their rights
(1967 UN Protocol, Article 33, 32, 17-19 etc) as well as their obligations to abide by the
Laws and Regulations of their host country and respect measures taken for the maintenance
of public order.
Currently, Ghana hosts a total of sixteen thousand, five hundred and eighty -nine (16,589)
refugees at various camps in the country, (UNHCR, MAY 2016). This number excludes four
thousand Liberian refugees who opted to be reintegrated into the Ghanaian society after the
Cessation Clause was invoked on 30th June, 2012.
·  The Unit, as at November 2016, has received and successfully processed two thousand, seven
hundred and three (2703) residence permit applications for Liberians who opted for
reintegration into the Ghanaian society.

The Unit, as at November 2016, has received and successfully processed two thousand, seven
hundred and three (2703) residence permit applications for Liberians who opted for
reintegration into the Ghanaian society

The Refugee Desk is a unit under Migration Management Bureau (MMB) responsible for
refugee related issues on behalf of Ghana Immigration Service.

The Desk, in collaboration
with Ghana Refugee Board (GRB) and UNHCR, is mandated to register all refugees in
accordance with PNDC Law, 305B of the 1992 constitution and issue Identity Documents for
all refugees in the country. Article 17, c

lause (3) of the 1951 UN Convention and its related
1967 protocol, requires Ghana as a host country to assist, support and grant refugees,
privileges that are available to Ghanaian nationals with regards

to wage earning employment.
Thus, a refugee is assisted by GRB to, acquire work permit, if they can produce a promise of
employment contract from a potential employer - PNDC LAW 305, clause 5, (e). The
Refugee Unit as part of its mandate, receives such applications, processes them and
recommends same for approval.
The Refugee Unit in collaboration with UNHCR and GRB are mandated to organize outreach



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